Many get confused when posed with the question – What is the difference between an Entrepreneur and Businessman ? or for the worst some get offended when someone mentions that you are an businessman not an entrepreneur. So, lets get a bit deeper into the topic to demystify the same.
Anyone who is engaged in carrying out any activity, related to commercial and industrial purposes is known as Businessman. The person sets up his business as a new entrant in the market, which is as or similar to that of an existing business. When it comes to originality of ideas, most of the businessmen go for a business opportunity which is highly in demand or which can make huge profits for them and has very lesser place for uniqueness.
Though touted to be risk free or of lesser risk possibilities, it does attract a lot of competition from day 1. The main objective of a businessman of conducting the economic activities is to generate revenue by employing the human, financial and intellectual resources. By virtue of this, customers are treated as the king of business by the businessman.
An Entrepreneur is a person who gives birth to an unique idea or concept, protype and goes to validate it and then eventually leading to start a company/firm , bringing it into reality. He is the person who takes risks and uncertainties of the business. A Start-up company is the buzz word to denote an entrepreneurs venture, which is formed for the very first time regarding the idea, innovation or business process.
Entrepreneurs are known for their creative approach. They introduce innovation and offer such products and services which bring about a change in the world.
In an economy, the entrepreneur is considered to be the most important factor of production, which assembles and mobilizes the other three factors of production i.e. land, labour and capital. In the long run, these entrepreneurs become a businessman.
To conclude, touching upon my belief- Grey is better than black and white, the best trait would be to balance between the both, after making a full circle in respective paths. The best entrepreneurs are usually the best businessmen, and the best businessmen, are usually the best entrepreneurs.